Summer School 2021 Week 2
Summer School 2021 Week 2 Animals
Noah, Aiya, Elif
Rock Paper Scissors!!!!
Essential Agreement Summer School Edition:
Students chose 4 very important goals to agree upon for summer school.
Each person in the class comes up with three statements about themselves. Two true statements and one false. Students write down all statements and share with class to determine which statement they think is false.
Write a story as though you are the characters Rock Paper and Scissors.1)Use the Story Map to organize your thoughts.
2) Work together as a team to bring your story to life.
Expanding Our Vocabulary
Selfish Crocodile. Rock Paper Scissors
What do you think the word astonished means? You can tell me or show.
"There was a loud cheer from the astonished creatures."
- Vocabulary Enricher/Elif–identifies interesting or unfamiliar words in the reading and leads a discussion about the new words
- Literary Luminary/Noah–relates the new words back to the context of the passage, and provides supporting definitions by accessing a dictionary or other media sources
- Connector/Aiya–makes a connection between the meaning of words as used in the context of the text and prior knowledge or understanding
Animal Research Project
Math Craft Experiment...
Scale Model of Bedroom
They will need to:
- Measure all items in the room (focus on the footprint surface area on the floor)How much space does it take up?
- Measure the dimensions of the room itself (Tape measure or your feet)
- Decide on an appropriate scale to use
- Scale down the dimensions of the items
- Draw a scale model of the room on grid paper
- Draw and cut out scale models of each item in the room

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