Lower Primary Summer School Week 3

This week our theme was sea, sand and sun! We learned a lot about different ocean animals and their habitats. We worked on being thinkers and using clues to find out about ocean animas. We were risk takers and presented our habitats to our classmates. You can also see the octopus we collaboratively made during Art time this week! They were great friends to watch over our classroom. 

We practiced reading our sight words in our Find It Race. Students had to listen to a sight word and then search on their poster to find it before the other team. We had a lot of fun with this competition and were able to improve our sight word recognition! 

We showed our artistic expression using our theme this week! We made ripped paper art that included the sea, sand, and sun! It was fun being creative and getting to show these elements any way we wanted. 

We also learner about different ocean animal habitats and the things that these animals need to survive. We were knowledgeable and were able to build our own dioramas for an animal we were given that included all of the elements of their habitat. 

We pretended we were at the beach and hunted for sea shells around the classroom. We had to practice paying attention and remembering where our teammates had already looked for shells. 

We learned about buoyancy and made predictions about what materials and items would float and which ones would not! This activity  was a lot of fun and we learned some new scientific vocabulary! 

Always a highlight of summer school, we were able to have some fun with water fights! I know that I enjoyed the opportunity to cool off from the heat! 

We had a wonderful week learning about Sand, Sea, and Sun! Cannot wait to see what we learn next week with our Arts and Crafts unit! 


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