Nursery Summer School Week 1

Summer School Week 1 Theme: Animals


We had a great start to summer school. We practiced animals, sang a song about animals and their sounds, and went on a safari looking for the animals. We read the book The Waterhole by Graeme Base and practiced naming the animals and counting them. 


We reviewed farm animals, and their sounds.  We read Hattie and the Fox by Mem Fox, and sang Old McDonald had a farm. They enjoyed singing and dancing a lot. We then played a game, looking for the farm animals that had escaped their pens. Some of the animals were hard to find!


We reviewed jungle animals, and read a book about a snake called The Greedy Python by Eric Carle.  We then made our own snakes and had a lot of fun choosing colours to decorate them.  It was a great end to a short and very hot week. 


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