Sunshine Class Week 3: Nature

Hello Sunshine Parents!!!

The Sunshine Class had a great week!  Students learned about different kinds of biomes and various aspects of nature.  We played lots of games, created dioramas of biomes, practiced some role play, and lots of other fun activities.  From games like Typhoon to quizzes about deserts, we learned lots of interesting facts about nature.

After studying in the computer lab about plants, animals, climates, and other facts found in biomes, students worked in teams to create a memory game to reinforce the information about each.  The biomes we concentrated on this week were: desert, tundra, deciduous forest, grassland, marine, and rainforest.  In the game, students created a fact and matched it with the correct biome.  Each match of biome and fact counted as a point.

During drama time students created a skit set in a tundra or a rainforest.  They were on a vacation and encountered a problem that they had to overcome such as finding food in the tundra or dealing with insects in the rainforest.  What a creative group of kids with an active imagination!

To delve deeper into biomes, students selected a desert and rainforest to investigate and create a diorama to show their understanding.  We searched for materials at the park and found lots of sand, rocks, grass, sticks, leaves, and other natural objects to include.  Students used paints and colored pencils to decorate the backgrounds of their boxes and then added the natural objects found at the park.  Finally, animals were added to enhance the effect.

On Friday we all worked together to create Tropical Delight fruit smoothies made of apples, bananas, and oranges.  Students helped to cut, peel, blend, and prep the refreshing treat.  A nice end to a successful and fun-filled week all about nature!!!

Memory game

Memory game

Memory game

Learning about biomes

Math facts about nature

Role play vacation to the rainforest

Role play fishing in the tundra

Role play looking for food in the rainforest

Materials for diorama

Desert diorama

Desert diorama

Desert diorama

Rainforest diorama

Rainforest diorama

Desert diorama

Rainforest diorama

Rainforest diorama

Desert diorama

Desert diorama

Rainforest diorama

Rainforest diorama

Rainforest diorama

Desert diorama

Making fruit smoothies

Making fruit smoothies

Making fruit smoothies

Memory game

Memory game

Memory game

Memory game

Memory game

Memory game

Memory game

Rainforest diorama

Desert diorama

Rainforest diorama

Rainforest diorama

Desert diorama


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