Sunflower Week 4
Hello Sunflower parents!
We had an excellent fourth week of summer school at Abroad International! This week our theme was all about science. Students had a chance to experiment, research and share about fun things they learned while developing their English skills.
Upper primary students learned about famous scientists and scientific breakthroughs. Students put together interesting presentations about their favorite scientist and shared in front of the class. We even built some hover crafts out of paper plates and balloons! We also learned about some amazing scientific breakthroughs and discussed which ones we felt were the most important. .
In math we learned how scientists use basic algebra like two and three step equations to explore information in their examination of the world. Students were able to complete simple algebra problems and learned much.
In cooking class we made tie-dye cookies! . We had to adjust the recipe together because the cookies from the previous day did not turn out the way Lower Primary would have liked them to turn out. The adjustment that students made to the recipe was a great success and we had delicious cookies.
We also had a good time at the park cooling off with two water fights! Students and teachers all had a great time. I hope each student had as much fun and learned as much as I did this week!
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