Primary Summer School Week 4

 Theme - Fairy

On Monday we explored the idea of fairy tales, and discussed the different features they share. We read Lon Po Po by Ed Young, and then watched looked at another version of the same story (Red Riding Hood). We then chose our favourite fairy tale and made shadow Puppets of the main characters. 

On Tuesday we explored the story of The Princess and the Pea. We did a math challenge to see how many mattresses we could fit on a bed (the story only had 20). One of the students was able to fit more than 100! After that we had a dance party and did water play.

On Wednesday we looked at the story of Cinderella.  We talked about how we could tell our favourite story, using the puppets we made on Monday. Later we did an experiment with a balloon car, and continued working on our puppets. Some students were ready to make their puppet theatre! We also had ICT!

On Thursday we continued working on our shadow puppets and theatres. We also designed and made 3D castles, which was a big challenge, but everyone tried hard.  We had library time and we also enjoyed Water Play! 

On Friday we looked at the story of Rapunzel. 

At the end of the day the students who were finished performed a shadow puppet show! 

It was a great way to wrap up the week! Everyone worked hard and tried their best! It was a creative and fun week!


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