Primary Summer School Week 1

 Theme: Environmentalist

An environmentalist is someone who cares for and protects the environment. Primary students learned about how to show appreciation for nature.

Students did a nature gratitude hunt. They went to the local park and looked for items that make them smile, look beautiful, etc.

Students learned about endangered animal species and created a mosaic art piece of an endangered species.

Through a group game called Bats and Moths, students learned about how bats use echolocation. However, noise pollution can make it difficult for bats to use echolocation. Students experienced this during the game when a loud noise was made which made it difficult for the 'bats' to locate the 'moths'.

Students did an oil clean up experiment. They tested four different items to see which would best clean up the oil in the water.

Students went outside to gather sticks to use for building a bird nest. They combined these sticks with other available materials to create their nest.

Grade 7 volunteers came up with a version of tag for students to play during group games.

Students had a lot of fun this week. I hope they learned to appreciate the environment just a little more and develop their inner environmentalist!


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