Summer School Kindergarten Week 3

Theme: Art and Craft

We had a very creative and exciting week!! 

On Monday we explored color.  We unscrambled color words, and talked about our favourite color. We read The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt, and then we made our own drawing exploring our favourite color. 

On Tuesday we looked at some famous self portraits, and read a book about one particular artist; Frida Kahlo (Frida, by Jonah Winter). We then talked about our inner and outer selves and made a self portrait showing both sides. 

On Wednesday we had fun with water play!  It was very exciting! We also explored paper craft by making worry dolls, which we learned about from the story Silly Billy by Anthony Browne. We enjoyed making clothes for our doll and talking about things that sometimes worry us.

On Thursday we had fun with water play again! The weather was nice, and it helped cool us down.  After that we explored 3D craft by making our own folding houses. It was a challenge, but everyone tried hard and made some amazing homes! 

On Friday we experimented with splatter painting after reading the picture book: Jackson Pollock Splashed Paint and Wasn’t Sorry by Fausto Gilbert. After lunch we read Art & Max by David Wiesner, and talked about different
painting styles.

It was a very fun and productive week!


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