Sunrise Class Week 1 -Art and Science

Hello Parents, 

Welcome to an invigorating and fun week of summer school.Our theme for this week was Art and Science. Our week was filled with a wide range of learning experiences for all students.

Students started the week by looking at the  different parts of plants and their functions. They then cut out the different parts of a flower and put them on a sheet to make the full plant.

Students worked in pairs to  make a life-sized body map to learn about human anatomy. They learned about the anatomy and the five basic senses.


Students  investigated  the world of animals by reading various picture books. They explored four facets of animals, such as basic facts, animal babies, interaction with others, and habitats. They worked together to research an animal of their choice then presented the information to their peers. They also made various animal masks to enhance the presentations. 

Students explored the tallest buildings in the world and how they were designed and constructed. They then worked in groups to develop the tallest tower they can build using materials in the classroom.

They developed a design on paper, built their tower, presented and tested their tower to the class. 

Students explored problem solving and design using creativity and scientific skills. These challenges will help them  to develop skills and self-confidence they  need not only in a classroom setting, but in the real world as well.

Students created their own visual artwork while listening to various genres of music. 


Have a good weekend,
Sunrise Class! 


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