
Showing posts from 2020

Sunshine Class Week 4 - Game World

  We had a lot of fun this week in Summer School! Thanks for joining us!   This week was Game World. We did activities related to fun and games. Here we are playing a math game to practice our skills.    We played cool games in the gym too. Check this one out. We used our teamwork!     We made cool masks. Robots, princesses, pirates and Cleopatra.  We had epic water fights in the park!     We kept our distance during the day and we had safe meals in the classroom.   Thanks for coming and have a great summer!   

Sunflower Class Week 4: Game World

  Welcome to Game World!!! Our last week of summer school was full of adventure by delving into a world of strategy, creativity, and imagination.  Students played a variety of games, some involving some problem solving and others that were physical and required stealth.  We learned about different styles of games by playing both familiar and unfamiliar games and analyzing pros and cons of each.   At the beginning of our week students worked together to create rules and challenges based on blank board game templates.  Everyone did a great job and changed an empty game board into something fun for all ages.  After trying out a variety of new things, students divided into groups to design their own game entirely from their imagination.  Here are some of their amazing creations: Frog Life : Students worked with a program called Scratch to create a video game online.  They learned how to make and alter coding in order to design a frog jumping game...