Sunshine Class Week 2 🌞🌞

Sunshine Class- Summer School Week 2- Animals

Summer School Week 2 has been so much fun! Each day, we focused on a different category of animal. On Monday and Tuesday we learned about mammals. On Wednesday we focused on birds, on Thursday our topic was insects/bugs, and today was all about reptiles and amphibians! We gained so much knowledge about animals through various fun activities during the week.

In Language Arts, we read stories about different animals, and we also collected information to learn the difference between reptiles and amphibians. We used our knowledge to help sort animals into different categories!
In cooking, students made two different "reptile" snacks. One was a turtle made out of crackers, jam and blueberries, and the other was a cucumber snake! 
For our math activities, students learned how to use a "grasshopper" jumping maze! First they tried to solve a life-size version, then they made their own to try and stump each other. They also created their own math and animal-themed cootie catchers.
During game time, students learned a variety of new games, such as Spiderweb Tag and Frog and Flies. They used their knowledge of animals to play Mammals Headbands, and to draw pictures of different animal species. Another game involved chameleons, and students had to try and hide their paper chameleon somewhere around the room using camouflage.
For science, students explored bird beak adaptations. Using various tools, such as tweezers, chopsticks, spoons, and straws, they attempted to collect different types of bird "food", like gummy worms, marbles, seeds and nuts. After, we discussed which type of beak was best for each food type, and thought of examples of real-life birds for each beak type!
During park time, we got a chance to let out our energy and get wet at the same time! Students learned a new game where teams had to toss water balloons into a basket. The catch was, one of the teammates had to hold the basket over their head... and most balloons popped once they hit the baskets!!
Finally, we had many chances for art and coloring throughout the week! Students made various animals using paper plates and construction paper. They also got to make peacocks out of cardboard tubes. 

We had so much fun making new friends, being creative, and playing together this week! I can't wait to see what we will do together next week!


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