
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sunflower Class Week 3-Art and Science

We had a wonderful week at Summer School! We started our week with some games and ice breakers to get to know each other. We had fun using salt, baking soda, vinegar, glue, and food colouring to make some science art! We did a mini Unit of Inquiry this week! Each team chose some aspect of Art and Science to research and explore. We had three groups and they chose Anime, Vegetables, and Dolls. Each group researched using books and the internet, made slides or posters about what they learned, and took some kind of action. One group made comics, one planted cucumbers, and one attempted to make a doll! Each group tied their inquiry in with Art or Science in different ways. The best thing about Summer School is having so much time to play games! We played a lot of games every day and had a blast! We had fun with Art and Science by making magic art! When we put the ar...

Sunshine Class Week 3 - Art and Science

Art and Science Welcome to week 3! Many of us were back for our third week, but a few of us came for the first time! We had lots of fun together this week! Art One of our themes this week was art, and we did a lot! Our favorite activity was painting butterflies! Science Who doesn't like science? Especially when we get to make something! This week we made bottle rockets! And then we took them to the park to try and get them to fly with vinegar and baking soda! Here's one of our successful ones! Math and English Of course another thing we did was math and English! We read books, did sums, wrote stories, and played math games!  Math English Playing around! Of course we spent some time doing other things as well, like going to the park, the library, ICT, and watching a movie! Library Water Play and Park ...